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李京卫 合伙人律师 北京盈科(天津)律师事务所
李京卫律师是南开大学法学硕士,北京盈科(天津)律师事务所合伙人律师。专业领域为公司法律事务,外商投资、并购法律事务,投资移民法律事务,建筑工程、房地产法律事务的非诉及诉讼法律服务。李京卫律师精通英语,先后担任有影响的外资企业客户,包括ETG天津、美国特雷克斯、新加坡奔溯和Jpower等公司的常年法律顾问以及中建六局土木工程有限公司、天津二十冶金建设有限公司二分公司、天津临港产业投资控股公司、浙诚(天津)投资有限公司、天津盛信、天津富雷、天津水晶贸易、乐宾百货等公司的常年法律顾问。在天津富雷机电设备公司与瑞典Wallenius Water AB公司的合资项目谈判与运营、天津浙商企业咨询公司的灯具城设立及公司治理项目、天津盛信熙悦汇购物中心法律顾问项目、中国人民人寿保险股份有限公司购买大都会天汇广场写字楼项目中担任首席法律顾问、宝钢**有限公司收购**电子材料有限公司项目中担任首席法律顾问。李京卫律师在公司法律事务领域积累了丰富的经验,致力于为公司、企业的经营与发展指引方向,保驾护航!
现为北京盈科(天津)律师事务所 合伙人律师
Ø 在公司法律事务领域:主要为客户提供常年法律顾问服务及其他专项服务;
Ø 在并购重组领域:主要为客户提供企业合并、企业分立、资产重组、股权收购及债务重组等方面律师服务;
Ø 在外商投资领域:主要为客户在中国投资提供包括项目调研、谈判、法律尽职调查、公司设立等一体化法律服务;
Ø 在商事诉讼仲裁领域:擅长为客户处理与公司相关的各位商事诉讼。
1、在天津**机电设备公司与瑞典 AB公司循环水处理合资项目中担任中方首席法律顾问,负责与瑞典投资者洽商及谈判;
2、在** Group与黑龙江**经贸公司在黑龙江富锦共同设立物流企业项目中代表外方参与项目设立和筹建工作;
3、在** Commodities 公司与刘某、赵某在天津设立食用植物油加工项目中担任首席法律顾问,负责项目所需所有法律服务工作;
Li Jingwei
partner Attorney at law
Beijing Yingke Law Firm Tianjin Office
Mrs. Li Jingwei graduated from Nankai University, where she got her degree of Master of Law. Li Jingwei is one of the partner lawyers practicing in Beijing Yingke Law Firm Tianjin Office. the service fields that Li Jingwei is good at are corporate legal affairs, foreign investment legal affairs, merger and acquisition with respect to foreign investment legal affairs, investment immigration legal affairs, legal affairs regarding to construction, real estate, etc. Li Jingwei is proficient both in written and oral English. She used to act and is now acting as the legal consultant for many foreign-invested enterprises in China, such as ETG (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., TEREX Tianjin,Singapore Penicill Tianjin and Jpower Tianjin Company. She used to act and is now acting as legal consultant for many Chinese companies as well, whom are China Construction Sixth Engineering Bureau Civil Engineering Co., Ltd., the second branch of MCC Tianjin Construction Co., Ltd., Tianjin Habor Industrial Investment Holding Company, Zhecheng (Tianjin) Investment Co., Ltd. Shengxin (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. and so on.,Li Jingwei is the chief legal counsel for her clients thereof during the process of negotiation and establishment of equity joint venture project between Chinese Fulei Electro-mechanical Equipment company and Sweden Wallenious Water AB, establishment of Lamp City Project by Tianjin Zheshang Enterprise Consultant Company, establishment of ETG Cereal & Oil project by Export Trading Commodities Pte Ltd., Yinong Investment Pte. Ltd. and Zhao Yanhua, purchase of office building by PICC, purchase Linggas Co., Ltd. by Baosteel ** Co. Ltd.. Till now, she has accumulated fluent experience in the fields of corporate legal affairs and international investment legal affairs. Mrs. Li Jingwei is engaged in proving more excellent legal services for her clients, to keep them go ahead smoothly and safely.
Education Backgrounds :
graduated from Nankai University , Master of Law, Proficient in both oral ans written English.
Working Experiences:
partner lawyer of Beijing Yingke Law Firm Tianjin Office now, and as legal consel for many famous enterprises.
Service Fields:
The main service fields is corporate legal affairs, merger and acquisition with respect to foreign investment legal affairs, foreign investment legal affairs, investment immigration legal affairs, legal affairs regarding to construction, real estate, etc.
Ø In the fields of corporate legal affairs : As legal counsel mainly provides clients with regular legal sevice and other special legal service.
Ø In the field of merger, acquisition and reorganization: Mainly provides clients with enterprise merger, division, assets restructuring, equity acquisition and restructuring legal services;
Ø In the field of foreign investment:Mainly provides clients with project research, negotiation, legal due diligence, the company setting up the integration of legal services for foreign enterprises investing in China ;
Ø In the field of commercial litigation: good at handling commercial litigations, arbitrations related to the corpaorates.
Cases Successfully Undertaken by Mrs. Li Jingwei
1. During the establishment process of equity joint venture project on water purifying system between Tianjin Fulei Mechanical &Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Fulei”) and Wallenius Water AB, Mrs. Li Jingwei acted as the chief legal counsel for Fulei, the Chinese Participator, in handling legal affairs with respect to negotiation, drafting and reviewing some necessary legal documents.
2. During the establishment process of equity joint venture project on logistics between ** Group and Heilongjiang ** Commerce & Trading Co., Ltd., Mrs. Li Jingwei acted as one of the legal consultants for foreignors in handling legal affairs with respect to negotiation, drafting and reviewing some necessary legal documents.
3. Acting as the chief legal counsel for the establishment of equity joint venture project on cereal and oil processing between Mrs. Liu, Mr. Zhao and Export Trading Commodities Pte. Ltd., Mrs. Li Jingwei took in charge of all legal affairs thereof.
4. Providing legal service for project of manufacturing soft electric circuit among Tianjin Kaiteng Co., Ltd., No. 1 O’wen Co., Ltd. and Menivier Company;
5. Providing legal service for Colion.M. Swell in his purchasing Tianjin Previtly Co., Ltd;
6. Acting as the chief legal counsel during the acquisition of Hebei Xinli Oil Co., Ltd. by a joint venture company in Tianjin.
7. Acting as legal consultant for ETG China, TELEX China, Singapore Penicill in China, Singapore Jpower in China and so on..
8. Acting as the chief legal counsel during the purchase of ** Plazza by PICC .
9. Issuing the legal opinion on the issue of subordinated debt for PICC.
10. Acting as the chief legal counsel during the acquisiton of Linggas Co., Ltd. by Baosteel ** Co., Ltd. .